
Accelerating innovation, safety, and compliance with effortless data capture for registry submissions or Real-World Data (RWD) studies. 

real world data
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In the complex healthcare ecosystem, there’s a pervasive gap between what stakeholders learn from clinical research and what actually happens in the daily practice.

As a result, stakeholders from clinicians to medical device manufacturers, payers, and medical societies have a growing need for reliable real-world data that reflects clinical realities. But for them, the RWD collection process tends to be tedious and time consuming in an environment where systems are siloed and data is often unstructured. In addition, accessing hospital networks, gaining clinical team buy-in, and implementing the right technology in a short time frame can be challenging.

MediReport serves as a gateway for healthcare professionals to securely gain access to critical data during routine clinical practice and enables the gathering of device usage data in real medical settings.

By connecting technology, real-world insights and people, MediReport enables evidence-based decisions across the healthcare network for better clinical outcomes, increased compliance, and improved patient safety.

What’s possible with RWD empowered by MediReport:

icon access structured data

Access real-world, structured data  

icon fulfill regulatory obligations

Easily fulfill regulatory obligations 

icon enableone clickreporting

Enable one-click registry reporting functionality

icon submit to registries

Submit to registries, manufacturer studies, and more automatically

icon leverage data

Leverage data from diverse sources for multiple purposes

icon gather data

Gather data on device usage in medical settings  

icon experience data submission

Experience seamless data submission with direct interfacing

See for Yourself

What’s in it for you?

  • Healthcare Providers
  • Device Manufacturers
  • Medical Societies

icon hospitals

Healthcare Providers

  • Gear up your teams with MediReport 360™, a nimble yet comprehensive solution that allows teams to perform their daily tasks while collecting RWD for various purposes from one single platform.
  • Seamlessly capture real-world clinical and administrative data from diverse sources including EMR, billing, information systems, modalities, and more, without redundant manual data entry plus automated import.
  • Derive insights from your RWD, leveraging a robust data analytics dashboard for clinical, operational, and financial performance optimization.
  • Effortlessly repurpose RWD collected to participate in device manufacturer studies and grow your revenue.
  • Smoothly reuse the RWD collected to submit information to registries, without increasing workload.
  • Easily recycle the RWD collected for your own mono or multi-centric clinical research.
  • Leverage RWD to increase compliance and quality initiatives at your facility.

icon device manufacturer

Device Manufacturers

  • Rapidly launch real-world studies and analyses with access to clean, comprehensive, and standardized clinical and administrative data.
  • Streamline RWD collection for your different study needs including post market surveillance, product lifecycle tracking, regulatory and compliance requirements, product improvement studies, and adverse events traceability.
  • Increase the number of participating hospitals to the study by offering clinical teams a single powerful platform to both perform their daily tasks and seamlessly participate in real-world studies without increasing workload.
  • Gain visibility into utilization and performance throughout the device lifecycle with a flexible, multi-site analytics dashboard.
  • Ensure the integrity and compliance of your data-driven initiatives with de-identified information that adheres to HIPAA and other applicable regulations.
  • Automatically capture real-world data from diverse sources including EMR, modalities, or information systems without redundant manual data entry.
  • Collect continuously high quality standardized data on the entire medical device lifecycle, granting visibility into the real practices of real cardiologists, clinical support staff, and patients.

icon medical societies

Medical Societies

  • Seamlessly capture RWD to populate your registry with structured, reliable, and comprehensive data sets from real clinical settings.
  • Increase the number of participating hospitals in the RWD registry by offering clinical teams a powerful platform to both perform their daily tasks and seamlessly participate in the registry without increasing their workload.
  • Collect high quality de-identified data, relying on a secured anonymization and encryption process.
  • Automatically capture data from diverse sources in hospitals including EMR, modalities, or information systems without redundant manual data entry.
  • Drive research projects and support value-based care and quality improvement initiatives as you leverage standardized data for better patient outcomes.
  • Accelerate time-to-market by lowering friction and barriers in medical data collection, compliance, and analysis.
  • Maintain compliance and ensure adherence to regulations.

Related Solutions

medireport 360 suite

The MediReport 360™ Suite

A unified platform that integrates workflows and data to reveal efficient insights that transform cardiovascular care.

inventory management screen

Inventory Management

A flexible and robust cloud-based inventory solution that automates stock management and device traceability across the cath lab.

medireport analytics display

Data Analytics

A powerful and customizable real-time data analytics dashboard monitors daily activity and tracks clinical, operational, and financial performance

hd real world data cta

Real confidence. Real results. Discover how MediReport 360™ drives real-world insights.